Friday, July 11, 2008

First $1000 in the GoGo Pot

Inspiration passed a crucial milestone this week as we crossed that $1000 barrier for our IndieGoGo fundraising challenge. Now we only need to raise another $4000... but we only have two weeks left!!

Click any IndieGoGo link or the widget at right and make your donation today! Our fat cat donors are waiting in the wings to help us make some big jumps toward our goal... but we still need your help! Every donation large and small moves us closer to the $5000 total and to making a great film. So...

1. Give up a few Frappucinos (It's bathing suit weather... Do you really need those extra calories?)

2. Empty out that change jar (There's gotta be 15 bucks in there, at least, right?)

3. Cash in those bottles and cans (That pile in the garage has been bugging you for weeks. You know it has.)

4. Skip the Volkswagen-size nacho platter at Applebee's next Friday. (For rationale, see #1 above.)

5. Shake down the Tooth Fairy (Honestly, the kids will just spend that money on candy and start rotting those fresh new molars.)

... and donate the extra cash to Inspiration. Every dollar counts and is appreciated!

Send along your inspired ideas for raking up loose dollars to support independent filmmaking. And watch for our first donor thank-you list this weekend. Make sure your name is on the next one!

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